Friday, 30 January 2009

Excuse me...

....while I keel over in shock. I have lost another 2lbs! I'm not entirely sure how, as I was over by 26 points this week (don't ask, bad week). I was fully expecting a gain, at best an STS, but I lost. Mind you, I'm still nervous about next week, in case it catches up with me a week later.

Going clothes shopping at Asda this weekend. Thank God for Asda clothes - so cheap!! Believe me, when you're buying a whole new "keep you going" wardrobe every couple of months, you need cheap supermarket clothes. Hopefully have lost a dress size, I'll keep you posted.

Animals are as mad as ever (why doesn't this surprise anyone?!).

Rana is still going loopy when coming in from the field. I thought we'd cracked it by putting hay in the field for them, but she was very very silly coming in last night. Still, at least it means I know the Devils Claw is helping her arthritis.

Rosie is finding worse and worse times to play "fetch". Like when I'm trying to get ready for work, or when I'm trying to get out of the door to get to work. Or when we're trying to sleep. More amusingly, she wants Glenn to play just after I've got up (5.30am).

Dawson is still refusing to go out - it's far too cold for her. Yesterday, I let her out as I went out first thing (just before 6am). She went out of the door, and in the time it took me to fully open the door, step out, and turn round, she'd scampered back in.

Off to see a comedian at the Town Hall tonight. I'll report back if he's any good. Out for a chinese on Sunday, for a friends birthday. It won't be a good WW week!


Sabs said...

Congrats on the loss!

@Fat4Now said...

lol result !!